info-iconZzoma, an FDA-Cleared Positional Sleep Apnea Treatment, Now Available on Parachute Health

Zzomaforlife – Your Companion in Better Sleep

Quality Sleep with GreenKey4Life Powered by SleepScore APIs

Actionable insights and well-defined guidance are now at your fingertips with GreenKeyforlife .

Using SleepScore APIs, GreenKeyforlife provides a solution to the pressing need of sleep deprivation, enhancing engagement and driving better health outcomes. This is achieved through highly personalized sleep journeys and coaching, all based on the latest behavioral and circadian science, and supported by extensive studies and data.

Since SleepScore APIs are leading the way with the world’s first and only reimbursed sleep improvement program, GreenKey Health feels immensely proud to incorporate SleepScore APIs for better and improved sleep health for our users.

GreenKeyforlife consistently supports its users through SleepScore APIs backed by two independent studies.

GreenKey4Life: Driving Growth with SleepScore APIs

With GreenKey4Life , we just don’t enhance sleep outcomes but rather boost engagement, improve retention, and optimize health and wellness results. By leveraging user sleep data such as chronotype, behaviors, and motivations, we deliver better outcomes.

Consistent Engagement



Increased Retention


after 30 days

More Exercise

up to 48%

increase in fitness activity

More Sleep


more hours of sleep per month*

GreenKey4Life Understands Consumers’ Unique Sleep Needs

We understand our users’ requirements and how sleep deprivation may affect them and their everyday life. Therefore, we leverage robust data collection, analysis, and precise API delivery through SleepScore API integration. GreenKey4Life is designed meticulously to empower the users to confidently take charge of their sleep journey through actionable habits, ongoing learning, continuous improvement, and adaptive guidance.

GreenKey4Life x SleepScore APIs
Leading the Way in Sleep Innovation

Sleep Data APIs

Effortlessly collect sleep data measured through wearables and apps.

Sleep Content APIs

Access thousands of engaging sleep and well-being related content materials for better guidance and support. 

Authentication APIs

Ensure secure connections across diverse systems and platforms to collect, analyze, and track progress, seeking optimal sleep health.

Sleep Insights APIs

Deliver actionable sleep insights tailored to individual requirements, activities, and preferences. 

Sleep Coaching APIs

Provide personalized and adaptive sleep coaching rooted in science and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for optimal sleep throughout the night.

Why is Sleep Important? The Unrecognized
 Hero Behind Health & Wellness

Improving sleep might not always be your primary goal, but it is a critical pathway to fulfilling your health and wellness promise. Here are some key data points highlighting the detrimental effects of poor sleep.

Weight Management / Loss:

  • 55% less fat loss
  • 66% more lean body mass loss
  • 15% impaired hormone regulation (Ghrelin, Leptin)

Women's Health

  • 2x higher risk of menstrual irregularity
  • 3.8x higher risk of miscarriage 10
  • 20% reduced fertility

Mental health

  • 2.5x higher risk of frequent mental distress
  • 75% with mental health issues and depression affected


  • 26% higher risk of mortalityle
  • 20-34% higher risk of heart attack
  • 30% higher risk of dementia
  • 40% higher neurodegeneration
  • 40% lower glucose metabolism

Fitness / Athletics

  • 30% less time to exhaustion
  • 2x higher risk of injury
  • 9% lower accuracy?
  • 8% longer reaction time

Skin Care / Appearance

  • 18% lower hydration?
  • 17% lower blood flow
  • 5% lower elasticity
  • 4% lower translucency
  • 2.9% lower desquamation

Why SleepScore?

Backed by Science and Data Experts

by solid scientific evidence from real-life settings

Trusted by Various Industries​

redefining standard for sleep performance across sleep industry​

Device and Data Compatible​

with hundreds of devices and apps​

Offers Seamless Sync​

with any tech, infrastructure, and journey

Professional Customer Service​

to rely for support and guidance

Supported by ResMed​

the global leader in sleep medical devices​


  • Nedeltcheva, A. V., Kilkus, J. M., Imperial, J., Schoeller, D. A., & Penev, P. D. (2010). Insufficient sleep undermines dietary efforts to reduce adiposity. Annals of internal medicine, 153(7), 435-441.
  • Taheri, S., Lin, L., Austin, D., Young, T., & Mignot, E. (2004). Short sleep duration is associated with reduced leptin, elevated ghrelin, and increased body mass index. PLoS medicine, 1(3).
  • Blackwelder, A., Hoskins, M., & Huber, L. (2021). Effect of Inadequate Sleep on Frequent Mental Distress. In Preventing Chronic Disease (Vol. 18). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • Nutt, D., Wilson, S., & Paterson, L. (2008). Sleep disorders as core symptoms of depression. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience, 10(3), 329-336.
  • Azboy, O., & Kaygisiz, Z. (2009). Effects of sleep deprivation on cardiorespiratory functions of the runners and volleyball players during rest and exercise. Acta Physiologica Hungarica, 96(1), 29-36.
  • von Rosen, P., Frohm, A., Kottorp, A., Fridén, C., & Heijne, A. (2017). Multiple factors explain injury risk in adolescent elite athletes: applying a biopsychosocial perspective. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 27(12), 2059-2069.
  • Mah CD, Mah KE, Kezirian EJ, Dement WC. The effects of sleep extension on the athletic performance of collegiate basketball players. Sleep. 2011 Jul 1;34(7):943-50
  • Latiri, I., & Dogui, M. (2016). Effects of one-night sleep deprivation on selective attention and isometric force in adolescent karate athletes. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 57(6), 752-759.
  • Nam, G. E., Han, K., & Lee, G. (2017). Association between sleep duration and menstrual cycle irregularity in Korean female adolescents. Sleep medicine, 35, 62-66.
  • Samaraweera, Y., & Abeysena, C. (2010). Maternal sleep deprivation, sedentary lifestyle and cooking smoke: Risk factors for miscarriage: A case control study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 50(4), 352-357.
  • Ahlborg Jr, G., AXELSSON, G., & Bodin, L. (1996). Shift work, nitrous oxide exposure and subfertility among Swedish midwives. International journal of epidemiology, 25(4), 783-790.
  • Hublin, C., Partinen, M., Koskenvuo, M., & Kaprio, J. (2007). Sleep and mortality: a population-based 22-year follow-up study. Sleep, 30(10), 1245-1253.
  • Daghlas, I., Dashti, H. S., Lane, J., Aragam, K. G., Rutter, M. K., Saxena, R., & Vetter, C. (2019). Sleep duration and myocardial infarction. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 74(10), 1304-1314.
  • Sabia, S., Fayosse, A., Dumurgier, J., van Hees, V. T., Paquet, C., Sommerlad, A., … & Singh-Manoux, A. (2021). Association of sleep duration in middle and old age with incidence of dementia. Nature Communications, 12(1), 2289.
  • Gottlieb, E., Egorova, N., Khlif, M. S., Khan, W., Werden, E., Pase, M. P., … & Brodtmann, A. (2020). Regional neurodegeneration correlates with sleep-wake dysfunction after stroke. Sleep, 43(9).
  • Spiegel, K., Tasali, E., Leproult, R., & Van Cauter, E. (2009). Effects of poor and short sleep on glucose metabolism and obesity risk. Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 5(5), 253-261.
  • Kim, M. A., Kim, E. J., Kang, B. BY., & Lee, H. K. (2017). The effects of sleep deprivation on the biophysical properties of facial skin. Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications, 7(1), 34-47.

What patients are saying about Zzoma

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Ease of Use
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Better Quality of Life
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Wake up Feeling Better
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Improved Sleep Quality

Take a closer look at positional OSA

Defining positional OSA

50% of patients diagnosed with Mild OSA, 20% of Moderate OSA, and 7% of Severe OSA patients may benefit from positional therapy2
Frequently Asked Questions
app allows convenient progress updates on your sleep health, fruitful suggestions including beneficial product & service recommendations, and tips for optimal bedroom settings for better sleep throughout the night, helping to deal with OSA. However, one cannot completely rely on our app to diagnose sleep apnea. It is advisable to seek a healthcare provider’s consultation before drawing conclusions.
is easy to use and understand. The interface is user-friendly that simplifies the process of data analyzing and managing.
along with our Zzoma wedge makes for a perfect alternative to CPAP. It’s as effective as CPAP therapy and helps manage positional OSA to the fullest.
  • It empowers its users to seamlessly monitor and measure sleep, providing sleep insights.
  • It offers a full range of sleep health products and services.
  • Accelerates monitoring, analysis, and potential treatment solutions.