info-iconZzoma, an FDA-Cleared Positional Sleep Apnea Treatment, Now Available on Parachute Health

Sleep Specialists Celebrates 15 Years, Unveils Zzoma+ Sensor, Launches Clinical Trial, Focuses on Value-Based Care

HOUSTON, TX – June 3rd, 2024 – Sleep Specialists, a leader in FDA-cleared medical devices for the treatment of mild to moderate sleep apnea, celebrates its 15th anniversary with a series of advancements underscoring its commitment to innovation and patient-centered care. This includes the unveiling of Zzoma Plus, a groundbreaking clinical trial, and a new subsidiary dedicated to value-based healthcare solutions.

Get a First Look at Zzoma’s Advancements at AASM 2024

Sleep Specialists will be showcasing all these exciting developments at the upcoming American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) Conference in Houston, Texas, from June 3rd to June 5th. Visit us at Booth 504 to:

  • Experience Zzoma Plus, the next generation positional and adherence sensor.
  • Learn about our clinical trial comparing Zzoma with traditional CPAP therapy for cardiovascular risk.
  • Discover our partnership with SleepScore and how the companion app empowers patients.
  • Explore our focus on value-based care in sleep medicine.

Zzoma Plus: Taking Sleep Management to the Next Level

Building upon the success of the original device, Zzoma Plus introduces advanced patient adherence tracking and enhanced clinical efficacy data collection. These improvements will help physicians optimize treatment, ensuring the best possible results for their patients.

“Zzoma has always been about transforming lives through better sleep,” said Michael J. Markus, PhD, Executive Director at Sleep Specialists, LLC. “Zzoma Plus represents the next step in our journey. We’re leveraging insights from 15 years of clinical use with cutting-edge technology to empower physicians and patients with more personalized and effective solutions.”

Zzoma + SleepScore: A Comprehensive Sleep Solution

Sleep Specialists is also announcing a partnership with SleepScore to offer the clinically-validated SleepScore companion app alongside Zzoma therapy. This comprehensive system empowers patients to track their progress, stay motivated, and experience the full benefits of improved sleep health.

Clinical Trial: Zzoma vs. CPAP

Sleep Specialists is launching a major clinical trial comparing the use of Zzoma Positional Therapy to CPAP on Cardiovascular Dysfunction in Sleep Apnea. This research underscores Zzoma’s commitment to advancing sleep solutions and offering physicians and patients data-driven treatment choices.

About Sleep Specialists, LLC

Sleep Specialists, LLC is a rapidly growing medical device and services company dedicated to developing innovative solutions for sleep-related disorders. Their flagship product, Zzoma, is a clinically proven, FDA-cleared positional therapy device for Positional Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Sleep Specialists is experiencing substantial momentum, marked by:

  • Strategic partnership with First Nation, expanding access to Zzoma in government hospitals.
  • Investment in US manufacturing, ensuring product availability and domestic production.
  • Over 1,800 physicians and 1,300 sleep centers prescribing Zzoma, demonstrating growing recognition of its value in treating OSA patients.

Note: Zzoma Plus is currently under development and has not yet received FDA clearance.


Note: SleepScore does not provide medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional for any medical concerns